A few people, apps, books, podcasts, articles, and tools I recommend
So. Many. Options.
Other Therapists and Coaches
Shop around. It’s worth your time and energy. For therapy, you’ve gotta have someone licensed in the state where you are for your sessions (ugh - so hard for people who travel for work, go home between semesters, help with aging relatives, live nomadically - I could soapbox and tirade about this antiquated system, but I digress), and it really helps to have someone covered by your insurance, so directories are your friend here.
Whoa - am I in love with some specific apps. I could gush and pontificate, but here’s a list of my favorites:
Unwinding Anxiety (do the free trial, cancel and immediately, you’ll receive a coupon for 50% off)
The same folks who developed Unwinding Anxiety also created Eat Right Now (to heal emotional eating), and Craving to Quit (for smoking cessation.
Nerva, which uses hypnotherapy to address IBS symptoms. You can connect to me via the app and I’ll be able to see your progress.
Fertile Mind, which includes hypnotherapy and mindfulness practices.
Extra note: I receive nothing from these links - I just like these products.
I am exercising extreme restraint here because if I have an addiction, it’s to books, but here are the best of the best (again, no kickback for me in making these recos - that’s true for everything on this page):
Designing Your Life: for career exploration. Start with the original book if you’re not sure which one to choose.
Emotional Agility: a primer for attending to your emotions. The author, Susan David, has a TED talk that’s well worth watching.
Stress Resets: How to Soothe Your Body and Mind in Minutes by Jenny Taitz. The title says it all, and there’s a podcast episode where Dr. Taitz is interviewed by Dan Harris (the GOAT of interviewing!) that’s well worth a listen.
ADHD: A Hunter in a Farmer’s World by Thom Hartmann. I talk to so many people who have shame around their ADHD - this book helps to consider that maybe it’s not a problem to have these traits - it’s more that our culture is built around an entirely different system.
An Eclectic Mix
Here are all of the things I love that don’t fit into the other categories:
Emma McAdam’s YouTube channel called Therapy in a Nutshell. She also has some great courses on her website. Solid content. Useful. Accessible. Love her work.
NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) support groups for people who love someone with a mental illness.
Resolve: The National Infertility Association’s support groups. It really helps to have company on this path.
Al-Anon, a free 12-step program for family members of alcoholics. Recovery Dharma is an organization that uses Buddhist principles around addiction recovery.