The ultimate role reversal: when the child becomes the parent.

  • Which sacrifices internal attunement

  • An incessant monitoring of others' emotional state and often racing out in front of others to buffer or protect them from struggle

  • And no one seems to notice our efforts

The compensatory sibling

  • Overachievement

    Somehow we knew that we needed to deliver for one or both of our parents since another sibling clearly abdicated. There had to be some wins, so we delivered.

  • A black hole

    Where our needs and wants would otherwise exist. Since we never had a parent attuned to our emotions, no one mirrored back these basic dimensions of ourselves.

  • Anger

    Of course, there's anger, but that anger gets repressed because where will it go? Inward, that's where it goes, to restricting and scolding ourselves.