When work = dread, it’s time to make a change
You know what you don't like, but you can't pinpoint what you want.
When you know you're wounded and you can't find your way forward.
Unsustainable doesn't begin to describe it. All you know is that you passed "enough."
In a world designed for extroverts, it's tough to find our quiet strengths.
Go beyond the surface level
Taking stock of your current situation and shifting direction involves much more than a few online assessments. And forget passion. I've got a dispute with the whole "find your passion" arm of the career world. According to social science research, passion serves as a viable steering mechanism for only 20% of Americans. That means 80% of us are scratching our heads in bewilderment when the topic of passion enters the career conversation.
It’s so easy to spin on the hamster wheel in your head and get lost about what’s resonating for you and what’s dragging you down. Are you facing a hiccup? a reckoning? an overhaul? Or is what’s showing up right now part of an internal struggle that – no matter what you do to tinker with your external variables – will continue to haunt you? I work with clients to create what’s next for them. We take a deep dive into how they got to this spot, who they are at their core, and what’s the best expression of them in the world. Many of my clients describe the work we do together as holistic and therapeutic – we’re going beyond surface-level, quick-fix approaches into sustainable, deeply nourishing work that aligns with who you are at your core.
My Approach
What's your job's job?
I use this rather unorthodox question with my clients to help ground ourselves in what’s creating together. Your passion, your purpose, your calling - these heart-centered, sacred parts of you are vital. And they may not be what the market is buying. Coming to terms with that - if it’s the case for you - can mean grief, anger, despair, and other emotions. It can also mean that you break through and find your path. We’ll get clear on what you expect your job to deliver for you.
We're NOT drawing a map
One of my career mentors has drawn upon the military adage, “No battle plan survives first contact with the enemy” and adapted it for career services to say, “No career plan survives first contact with reality.” We’re not mapping out methodical steps in our work together. It’s not about plotting your course and sailing there. Instead, we’re iterating and having a conversation with the marketplace as we explore the best route forward for you. Key ingredients here include prototyping and life design interviews.
We all have up to 5 jobs simultaneously
I love, love, love Bruce Feiler’s myth busting in his book The Search. He says we’re not doing just one job - we’re actually doing up to 5 AT THE SAME TIME. 1) Your main job (primary income source); 2) Your side job (usually a hedge, think ‘side hustle’); 3) Your hope job (essentially, a dream); 4) Your care job (taking care of children or aging parents); 5) Your ghost job (something you’re haunted by - it’s usually dormant but VERY influential). We’ll talk about all of these jobs for you.
What you get when we work together
I know the mechanics of both career exploration and job search. I can rattle off formulas, strategy, and winning approaches to both of these realms. I’ve worked in career services for >10 years, including higher ed and corporate outplacement. The more valuable part that I bring? It’s the layer underneath - how to get out of your own way and create what you want.
Do you just need a bridge job until you can decide what you really want? You’re in the right place. We can dive into either visioning or make-the-next-rent-payment. I’m a switch hitter. We’ll be real, and we’ll also listen to your heart’s desire.
I’m not a cheerleader, and I’m not going to feed you crap. Sometimes you need someone to deliver the truth without sugarcoating it while still attending to your dignity.