Resources for Introverts

Let's face it - I immerse myself in study. I can't help it. Life-long learner here. And I've been absorbed in learning about introversion for several years. Since I keep my finger on the pulse of introversion, I thought it would be useful to share some of the people I respect and even revere. None of these links are affiliate links. I just like and admire these people.



  • Quiet Revolution
    Susan Cain’s website, which she created in the aftermath of her book’s success. Sections on work, personal relationships, and parenting.

  • Introvert Dear
    A blog that focuses on introversion and HSPs (highly sensitive people)


I'm realizing that almost everyone on this list is a woman. Where are the introverted men? I think it's tough for men to self-identify as introverts in a public way, but it's so important. That's why I want to point you to Jonathan Fields' Good Life Project. He interviews people about their journeys, often to remarkable professions, and he speaks frequently about his own introversion on the podcast during soulful, deep conversations.

Social Media*

*Most of the people on this list post across multiple social media platforms – I’m just mentioning the ones where I enjoy them the most. Find them in the spots where you tend to be online.

Connect with me on social, too. I post both my own articles and posts and articles from writers and other introverts that I find along my own journey.

  • Hang out with me on my Facebook page where I post career and introvert-related articles and reflections. I also have a small closed Facebook group where I post things that are more conversational than on my FB business page. Ask to join the group, and I'll approve you.

  • Find me on Instagram, although mostly I post pictures of my foster kittens and the river behind my house (I'm a homebody - not much travel from me).

  • I'm an open networker on LinkedIn, so send me an invitation to connect there.

  • Twitter is probably the platform that I use the least, but I have a profile there.


What I’ve Been Up To Lately


Too Many Career Possibilities? In the Grip of Indecision.