You’ve driven through intersections where the traffic lights malfunction and there’s no one directing traffic, right? Welcome to the ADHD brain.
There's so much to love about neurodiversity
And - like the traffic light without electricity - there's no order or process for directing traffic flow. It's then time to ask for help.
But it's not sustainable. The way you redirect yourself makes a massive difference.
You'll need three key ingredients
What are the guardrails in place for you as you navigate your priorities? Discipline and willpower just don't carry any of us far enough. External cueing is essential. Novelty factors in here, too.
Body double. Coach. Accoutability buddy. Who's on your team, rooting for you and telling you the truth?
What you tell yourself and how you say it matters. Kicking your own ass won't get you very far, but it's the default that most of us have. Unlearning happens here.
Which symptoms hinder you the most?
Impulse control
Emotional regulation
Task initiation, task switching, and flexible thinking
Working memory
Planning, prioritization, and organization